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DIY Sea Salt Spray for Beachy Waves

1 Jul

Oh hey! Are you all super excited for this week’s summer holiday? 3. More. Days. And I’m extra lucky to have Friday off too. I’d say some hot summer lipstick and beachy hair is in order, wouldn’t you? Juuust in case you haven’t mixed yourself up some sea salt spray yet, I thought this tutorial might be appropriate. I can’t actually describe to you how easy this was. Water, (curl-friendly) gel, and sea salt. That’s it! Don’t believe me? Watch this…

In the video I sprayed it in on dry hair, but you could definitely apply this to damp, just-out-of-the-shower hair and it would give you light hold and good wave definition. The bombshell beachy wave thing is all about imperfect, voluminous waves so it’s important to use a product that doesn’t weigh your hair down or give you crunchy curls.

xoxo Cristina



Kendra Scott Giveaway!

17 Jun


Nothing brightens up a Monday like a giveaway, am I right? So as I’ve mentioned before, I’m the Editor of a beauty website based here in Austin, and the fabulous jewelry designer Kendra Scott is an Austin local as well. So me and my friends Evelyn and Nikki put this wedding video together,  along with a giveaway from our friends at Kendra Scott. We’re giving away four pairs of Kendra Scott earrings, if you’re interested simply watch the video and vote for your favorite hairstyle in the video comments 🙂

xoxo Cristina



BEAUTY FILES:: Side Braid Hair Tutorial

14 Jun

So this is kind of exciting, it’s my very first hair tutorial on YouTube! Let’s be clear I don’t presume to be as unhumanly perfect as Miranda Kerr, just that I really liked her side braid (which gives the appearance of a half shaved head) at the punk Met Gala.

Pssst I’ll let you in on a little behind-the-scenes (as if there were actually scenes) secret: I totally don’t know how to French braid. I had to muddle my way through it while filming this and I’m really quite proud of the outcome!

Could you tell?



20 Mar

Hey Fuji Filers. It has been longer than I’d like to admit since my last blog post, but I’ve been busy. Doing important stuff. (See above). But in all seriousness I have been working my butt off at work, went to Chicago (for business, not pleasure) and just survived my first SXSW experience here in Austin. I made it out alive (barely… as I now suffer through the SXSW flu) with a couple of mementos. This cool new take on the photobooth was the source of endless fun at Fader Fort. I also got to work a couple of music events and even got my hair done while I was at it!

I haven’t blogged much about my day job, but you now have an idea of what I do! 
Let me know if any of you’d like to hear more about curly and wavy hair or see tutorials. I know this isn’t a beauty blog but it’s something I happen to know a lot about, so just tell me in the comments below if this is something you’d be interested in?
xoxo Cristina


How to DIY crystal fridge magnets

21 Nov
If you have a bit of downtime over the Thanksgiving holiday, I have just the project for you. This was one of the quickest diy’s I’ve ever done, hands down. But you’d never guess by the outcome! My fridge was looking a little bare, and you know I love a good moodboard. So this diy was born! First I went to a rock and crystal store here in Austin (aptly named ‘We Rock!’) and picked up a few crystals. I wanted to have some variety so I chose a few different types, but it could be fun to have a set of all the same crystals too. They ranged from 50 cents to $3, really reasonably priced. Then I bought a pack of round magnets from Home Depot. The last and easiest step was to hot glue the crystals to the magnets. I wish I had more to write but that’s really all there was to it!  An incredibly simple DIY that you could easily complete with a full and happy belly this Thanksgiving weekend. 
Might I add, these make a great Christmas gift!
xoxo Cristina



17 Sep

An ode to the peach. Plus an ode to a brilliant video, dreamy weekends, and the song that I have been playing on repeat for days. In addition to all of these things, this is a super sneaky sneak peek of wonderful things coming to FUJI FILES this week. Super wonderful things. I hope you’re as excited as I am for the week to begin! If not… perhaps ease your way into it with this song, Through and Through by My Bubba & Mi. I’ve been listening to it non-stop I tell you, and I’d love to know what you think of it too 🙂

An ode to peaches, a fresh new week, and sweet tunes!

xoxo Cristina



DIY FLOWER CROWN {Lana Del Rey-inspired}

16 Jul
Last week I was asked to get creative for a headshot session with the CamilleStyles team. We were encouraged to dress up, bring props, and be creative with our styling… so. much. pressure. Props?? Yikes! I decided to try my hand at a Lana Del Rey-inspired flower crown, and yunno what? I’m WILD about the results! I mean I’m actually shocked by how good this turned out. I got all of the supplies at Hobby Lobby, and it took me about 30 minutes from beginning to end! So you can do it too. If I may say so myself, this thing is gorge. And it’s even sturdy enough to withstand a little dancing 😉

Watch the video for supplies and to see this DIY step-by-step!
xoxo Cristina



28 Jun


This time 5 years ago I was ending a trip that irreversibly changed my life. I spent 5 months in Italy (Florence) and oh what I’d give for a quick trip to revisit all of the spots and taste all of the foods one more time! Italy was like that domino that tipped, setting off a chain of reactions that lead me to where I am today, and what a ride it’s been! I tend to keep my personal life quite separate to the blog, but the blog has been a part of my life for so long now that I can feel the lines starting to blur. So perhaps dear reader I’ll tell you my story one day very soon. Until then, let’s all take a quick daydreamy trip to Florence!

I think I’ll have a scoop of the frutti di bosco gelato, and you?
xoxo Cristina



14 Jun
Wouldn’t it be nice to be prancing around in designer dresses in the South of France sun, popping in to say hello to Lana or Marion, maybe get a few style tips from Diane Kruger (did you see that Dior gown??). This is just a Cannes Film Fantasy of mine, and if you watch this film you too can experience it for a minute… or eight.


Despite the designer gowns and the bubbly, the most enjoyable moments appear to be the ones spent away from the festival! Oh, and doesn’t it make you wish you had a cute accent like Garance’s?




29 May

Hope you all had a lovely long weekend! Get up to anything fun? I got a bit adventurous and made bacon egg and cheese scones. I know, yum. My bloglove of course started years ago with street style blogs, but recently I can’t get enough of pretty recipes on pretty food blogs, Tastespotting in particular (anyone else love that site?). I always fall for cookies and cakes (naturally) but this recipe caught my eye with its delicious simplicity: bacon? eggs? cheese? I can do that!

And so I did.
Are you guys liking the videos? Well I’m enjoying making them so tough 😉 I found the scone recipe on the ever excellent Butter Me Up Brooklyn and the super easy whipped butter spread on Mel’s Kitchen Cafe. You don’t have to make both of these together, they’re each delicious on their own (the butter spread makes my morning toast so special!). Follow the jump for the details…

Bacon Egg and Cheese Scones

Adapted from Butter Me Up Brooklyn

1 1/2 cup flour
2 teaspoons sugar
2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1/3 cup grated cheese (all I had was parmesan on hand, but sharp cheddar would be amazing)
4 slices bacon
2 eggs + 1 yolk
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons buttermilk
3/4 stick (6 tablespoons) cold butter, grated

Preheat the oven to 425 and line a baking sheet with parchment. Start cooking the bacon, and let it sizzle away while you prepare the scone dough.

Whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, black pepper and cheese, then set aside. When the bacon is crispy, transfer to a cutting board and chop into small bits.

Whisk together two eggs (oops I did 3) with a pinch of salt and pepper, and scramble them over medium heat (I drained off the bacon fat from the pan and used it to cook the eggs). The eggs should be well cooked since they will be folded into the dough, and will look a bit drier than eggs you would serve.

Cut the butter into the flour mixture so that some chunks remain, add the in bacon, and toss with flour so that the bacon is dredged. Whisk the egg yolk into the buttermilk and incorporated into the flour mixture so that it is well combined.

Turn the dough on a floured surface and knead a few times so that it comes together. Fold in the eggs (working fast since the eggs will be warm) and when everything is combined, pat into a circle. Cut into quarters, and transfer to the baking sheet. Brush with buttermilk and sprinkle with fresh ground pepper.

Bake for 20-25 minutes and serve immediately.

Garlic Herb Butter Spread

Adapted from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe

*Makes about 2 cups of spread (the recipe is easily halved)

8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup butter (2 sticks), softened
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon thyme
1/8 teaspoon basil
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley
1/8 teaspoon celery salt
1/4 teaspoon salt

In a medium bowl, whip the cream cheese and butter with a handheld mixer (or electric stand mixer) until light and fluffy and smooth. Add in the spices and herbs and mix until well combined. Serve at cool room temperature
