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7 May


Tired of tying every friendship bracelet and clasping every bracelet around your pretty little wrists every morning (even if a rocking arm party is totally worth it)? Enter Hipanema. First of all, can we talk about this name: HIPANEMA?! Cutest hippest beachiest name I’ve ever heard. Beachiest is a word, right? Used in a sentence, it might sound like this “I’ve stopped eating croissants so I can have the beachiest bod by July” (this is not actually true, I ate a croissant for breakfast). Now, back to the point of this story. Hipanema is an excellent play on words in addition to being a fun new brand of ready-made arm parties. One magnetic clasp and you have beads, shells, and colorful thread adorning your wrist in just one step. Now one itsy bitsy teensy weensy problem is that this is a cooler than cool Parisian brand, so I haven’t found any American stockists as yet, but I did find a similar look over at free people for a cool $38. Not bad! Now, just to decide between the two colors…

Are you all over friendship bracelets and arm parties yet?
I think they’re perf for summer!
xo Cristina



27 Jun

street style wrist bracelets 5
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Yummy wrist candy! So many possible combinations of colors and textures and sizes. All these goodies actually belong to Andy of Style Scrapbook, love how she mixes her different colored watches. I have a neon pink watch I use for running (which is rare. so rare).. perhaps I should throw it into my daily wrist mix for some color.