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25 Aug

 chalkboard frame interiors

I love this pretty DIY by Aimee of Song of Style. She found her frame at the Fairfax Flea Market, but I’m sure there are fancy frames in need of some DIY love everywhere. Perhaps you have a gilded gold frame that could use a coat of white paint and some chalkboard paint?
It’s really quite simple as far as diys are concerned! A few strokes of chalkboard paint and you’re set!

DIY Files chalkboard frame interiors

DIY Files chalkboard paint frame 
If your frame has a board backing then all you have to do is sand it smooth, apply primer, and coat with chalkboard paint. Wait 3 days before writing on it with chalk. Done!
 However if your frame has no board backing, you’ll need to buy a thin board (like particle board) and saw it to the right size and shape. Then prime & paint!

xo C 

source: Song of Style


21 Sep

Two ways to make a traditional frame young, bold and modern.

source: happymundane


15 Jul

Have you ever invented something and then kept the invention in your head and then rue the day that someone else creates it before you do???
Exhibit A.
Ridiculously cool Decanterlights by interior designer Lee Broom for London bar Coquine. Let the record show that I drew this in my sketchbook way before this!
The Decanterlights are available for purchase (for what I can only assume is an exorbitant amount of money) but I’d rather create my own using decanters from flea markets. Just remove the bottom (glass cutter?) and insert lightbulb! They fragment light in a magical way, and I’m imagining them hung around my imaginary house – over the bar area, hanging from trees for a garden soiree…

Story-telling on canvas

22 May
I have no idea who the artist is (my, what a great blogger you are Cristina) but I spied a distinct similarity between this beachy backdrop and the unique art hanging in this entryway. Pure coincidence perhaps that the entryway console is shaped like a surfboard.
I also see an easy DIY here, not all of us can paint a portrait but we can all write, right?
Tell your own story and create some unique artwork for your home.


6 May

Another moodboard, I like how eclectic this one is. It doesn’t have to be all photos or magazine clips, this one has medals, jewelry, drawings, different odds and ends. I’m pretty sure you can achieve this look just by painting your average corkboard a neutral tone (both the frame and the cork). You may have one laying around that could use an update! I know I do.

Tree Trunk Inspiration

2 May
About a year ago now I started a diy project that has majorly, majorly stalled. On a weekend trip to the country I decided tree stumps would make beautiful side tables and stools and proceeded to lug them into my backseat. I know West Elm sells them at $199 each, so that means I saved $800 (sort of). We spent the day  driving around off road (poor car) turning over tree stumps and checking for decay, termites and other creepy crawlies. I had a fear I’d be the cause of the great Sydney Termite Infestation of 2009, and they’d trace it back to one overly ambitious girl’s diy lightbulb moment. Also, the stumps weighed 8 tons each.
Finally I found 4 that met my bug-free standards, and they had some character too!
The beginnings of my proudest diy yet. Too bad the trunks are still sitting in my downstairs storage. Since we got them in there I haven’t found the strength to transport them up to the bedroom or balcony, where I intend for them to look magnificent as bedside tables and outdoor seating. I’m officially adding it to the to-do list for next weekend. For now, here’s some inspiration.

The Gap

17 Mar

D.I.Y. Military jacket

10 Feb

One skirt: 2 ways

8 Feb

How to: Wear a scarf as a wrap skirt

8 Feb