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INTERIORS:: Vanity + Desk + Entryway

8 Mar

interiors vanity

This photo serves as inspiration for so many things, it could either be a glam vanity or a beautiful workspace – remove the chair and it’s a great entryway console!
I basically love this space so much I want to re-create it in multiple areas of my home.
source: Rue


27 Jul

Do I really need to state the obvious? I look at this chic entryway and all I see is D.I.Y.!
Gilded gold picture frame, remove the backing, stretch colorful ribbons et voila! Instant upgrade from the college corkboard.
And you can choose colors that compliment your own home. Gold not quite your color? Paint the frame a glossy white and use kelly green ribbons, or a dove grey frame and yellow ribbons. Display pretty postcards or party invitations, magazine clippings or whatever you fancy.
Oh to have a well-organized entryway.. complete with yellow rainboots, antique chair and unique coat rack.

Is that white rainboot a ceramic umbrella holder in disguise? Love.

source: bellemaison