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18 Oct
Plenty of inspo to get your head in the right space for fall — which is under a rich wool hat. 
zara lookbook fall hat
If you’re into this blue hat, find it here.

fall hat street style kaet moss fall hat editorial rosie huntington whiteley hat street style fallFALL hat editorial furelena perminova fall hat street style arty ring

Yunno that phrase “You wear the clothes, don’t let the clothes wear you”?
I feel like hats wear me.
And all day long I am 200% aware that I have a large accessory on my head, blocking my peripheral vision and yelling “LOOK AT ME! I’M WEARING A HAT!”
I know I know, I just need to get over that.
Of course I have the token straw fedora and it comes out to play at the beach and at festivals. And I borrowed my friend’s awesome hat in this photo. Baby steps friends.
Do you rock the wide-brimmed hat? Do you feel like everyone’s looking at your wide-brimmed hat?
Do you just not care?
If so, I dig your moxie.
xo C
source: stockholmstreetstyle, zara, becauseimaddicted, easyfashion