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21 Mar

catherine_mcneil Vogue Australia April 2012 4

I’m that girl who plagues her friends and boyfriend for weeks months before taking a hair risk. Sorry, but I am. I’ve had far too many hairdressers go rogue on my hair to feel at ease (that moment when a trim turns into 10 inches. gone). I’ve gone through my stages but ultimately I feel that I am a long hair girl at heart. You better believe it would take me a good year of pulling my hair back in a fake bob to work up the courage to this edgy chop, but I’m certainly picturing it now! I fear I don’t have the sharp features and killer jawline to carry this cut, I might end up resembling a 5 year old boy.. but a girl can dream! These hair cravings have turned into a bit of a regular Hair Envy series here on FF.

Maybe this is a healthy way to express my haircut urges that won’t drive my friends and family crazy!
You guys don’t mind, do you?
xo C
p.s. this editorial is crazy awesome right? Sydney’s Bondi beach looks stunning and I miss it like no other
