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16 Apr

Yes. We all wish we were at Coachella. Let’s just pretend for a second that we’re at Coachella, we’re a hot New York DJ with a killer wardrobe, and we have a super cool name. Okay say we’re Harley Viera Newton. This is what a weekend at Coachella might look like! Lots of cross-body bags, white sundresses, cat flats, and a cherry swimsuit! Oh and one SUPER cute manicure, complete with stacked rings! You better believe I’m gonna be trying that one. Especially since I bought my first gel nail polish kit this weekend, complete with LED light. I’ve got on my first homemade gel manicure and I’ll let you all know how it holds up, perhaps do a review? It would be my first review of a beauty product, could be fun.

xo Cristina