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DIY Files: Butterflies & Pumpkins

23 Oct


In this set of DIY Files, we’ve got butterflies, pumpkins, and butterflies on pumpkins. 

The steps and materials are essentially the same for all of three of these DIYs! Print clip art butterflies onto vellum sheets, and stick them to a lightbulb, a branch, a pumpkin, or anything you’d like. And if you’d prefer, you can use these butterfly decals instead.

I think this would be a fabulous way to add character to a ceiling light if you live in an apartment and can’t change out your fixtures. For materials and directions, you’ve gotta check out Suzonne’s post over at Urban Comfort. She even pulled together a pinterest board of butterfly clip art! Such a good resource.

Let me know if you try any of these DIYs, or if you decide to add butterflies to anything else in your home!
xoxo Cristina
