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This weekend why not… No. 2

21 Sep

It’s almost fall, but not quite (the first day of fall is tomorrow!) I mean, it’s still 93 degrees outside. Veritable bikini weather! Which has me totally torn, of course I want to pull out the knits and boots (ohhh the boots) but I’m still clinging to the dog days of summer – bikinis, neon, beach hair. This weekend why not take a cue from Zippora here and wear BOTH! Neon, knits and bikinis, or even better: a neon knit bikini. That’s what I call transitional wear! So this weekend I’ll be searching the bikini sale racks, what will you be doing?

Ok, also can we talk about this? Her name is Zippora Seven. Zippora Seven! Is that a name? 
Can it be mine?
xo C

