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DIY FILES:: How to Organize Your Clutch Purses

25 Jul

Clutches: American ApparelClare VivierPersifor, and K. Slademade

I often find that the best ideas are the simplest, most why-didn’t-I-think-of-that moments of brilliance. Those but of course lightning bolts that happen when you least expect it – like in the shower, or just as you’re falling asleep. My most compelling thesis arguments always happened mid-shower (quite inconvenient really, when you need to write them down on a piece of paper before you forget). But anyhoo, this is one of those ideas.
This idea comes courtesy of the oh so talented Mackenzie Horan of Design Darling, who decided to start filing her clutches the way she sorts her mail: in an acrylic letter sorter. If you’re thinking “but my clutches don’t stand up by themselves” then Mackenzie’s got you covered, just slip a piece of cardboard into each clutch so that they hold their shape. (This is probably better for them anyway). I actually use this same method to make my tall boots stand up when I display them. 
She found the letter sorter at The Container Store. I think I could actually use one on my desk at work. The best part about this DIY, is that I’m now feeling super inspired to find simple, pretty ways to organize the rest of my home and workspace. What else could you display in a letter sorter? Pretty file folders? Wallets? Lipsticks? I hope this DIY has inspired you to organize one spot in your home or workspace too.
And if y’all haven’t visited Mackenzie’s boutique yet, go now! It’s just darling. 
xo Cristina



27 Apr

 Typically I fall for teeny tiny jewelry. The more obscure the better. An itsy bitsy charm on an almost invisible chain is my ideal accessory. But these layered necklaces by Kei on Etsy may be taking the lead. Add these to the Spring Staples list!

xoxo Cristina



11 Oct

Amidst all of the luxury shoes and handbags I spied during Fashion Week, this cheap and cheerful “purse” was my favorite! Giovanna Battaglia’s iPhone case played right into my motto to never take fashion or design too seriously. I don’t know if I’ll ever part with my (first and only) iPhone case, but when the day comes I’ll be channeling Giovanna! I found these on a site called Candies Gifts, but I know there tons of these on Ebay and Amazon for about $5, a steal!

I realize this totally toes the line between fun and tacky… but if Giovanna says it’s chic then I’m going to take her word for it.

What do you guys think? Too tacky?
xoxo Cristina




23 Jul
both available at fashionology                                                                 

 I’m a small necklace girl. I wear a couple of itsy bitsy pendants on teensy weensy chains every day – the smaller the better! But somehow I’m finding myself drawn to these giant jagged shark tooth necklaces by Givenchy. Not enough to sink my rent into one (though even if I was, these things are somehow sold out!) so these lookalikes from fashionology are looking very attractive to my pocketbook right now. The white shark tooth is a little bit the souvenir you’d beg your mom for at the natural science museum gift shop when you were 7 and insist that you’ll wear it everyday. But both are sure to add a little edge (heh heh, get it?) to an outfit this summer. I’m picturing beachside drinks with a long white maxi dress and this around my neck.

Would you buy a shark tooth necklace for $950?
How bout for $42?
xoxo Cristina



11 Jun
1 / 2 / 3

In the past few years I’ve noticed the slow decline in my vision, first it was far away street signs, then the score on the tv (not that that’s a priority), and then the menu at fast food restaurants (again, not a priority). I actually think it has to do with the number of hours I spend staring at the glare of a computer screen, working all day and then blogging all night. But I’ve decided to embrace this new opportunity to rock some geeky eyewear, and so the online shopping begins! This is of course the most difficult of all purchases to make online, no matter how much time I spend virtually trying them on with the webcam (this is super fun, you must try it!). So friends I think it’s time to actually try these glasses on. Like on my face. You may have heard of Warby Parker, who sends you 5 pairs of glasses to try and choose your favorite, as well as donating a pair to someone in need for every purchase you make! In my search for glasses I also found Tortoise & Blonde and See By Us, both with very attractive vintage-inspired frames. It’ll be a tough decision since glasses can dominate a look like no other accessory can, so maybe I’ll let you all take a vote once I narrow it down!

Do you have any other recommendations for sweet specs?
xo Cristina



7 May


Tired of tying every friendship bracelet and clasping every bracelet around your pretty little wrists every morning (even if a rocking arm party is totally worth it)? Enter Hipanema. First of all, can we talk about this name: HIPANEMA?! Cutest hippest beachiest name I’ve ever heard. Beachiest is a word, right? Used in a sentence, it might sound like this “I’ve stopped eating croissants so I can have the beachiest bod by July” (this is not actually true, I ate a croissant for breakfast). Now, back to the point of this story. Hipanema is an excellent play on words in addition to being a fun new brand of ready-made arm parties. One magnetic clasp and you have beads, shells, and colorful thread adorning your wrist in just one step. Now one itsy bitsy teensy weensy problem is that this is a cooler than cool Parisian brand, so I haven’t found any American stockists as yet, but I did find a similar look over at free people for a cool $38. Not bad! Now, just to decide between the two colors…

Are you all over friendship bracelets and arm parties yet?
I think they’re perf for summer!
xo Cristina



10 Feb

TNT-5DAYS10_112537698914Genevieve Jones Safety Pin EarringsGenevieve Jones Safety Pin Earrings 

            I don’t really change my earrings much. I wear them continuously until I get bored. These Genevieve Jones safety pins are a definite staple. Many of my most stylish girlfriends wear them. I typically do a small gold one and then one larger one with a couple black or white diamonds. I like wearing earrings in just one ear—it feels a bit punk rock.
                                                                              ELISABETH VON THURN UND TAXIS FOR VOGUE.COM

HOW TO: Make Halloween accessories last all year!

1 Nov

halloween street style

What to do with all of the skeletal accessories and animal ears we may or may not have spent a little too much money on? If you’re suffering from a Halloween hangover, here’s a bit of inspiration to get your money’s worth out of your costume. OR if you haven’t had enough, check out Moon Raven Design’s skull ponytail holders and jewelry!

What did y’all wear for Halloween??
xo C

source: fashionsquad,, moonraven


18 Oct
Plenty of inspo to get your head in the right space for fall — which is under a rich wool hat. 
zara lookbook fall hat
If you’re into this blue hat, find it here.

fall hat street style kaet moss fall hat editorial rosie huntington whiteley hat street style fallFALL hat editorial furelena perminova fall hat street style arty ring

Yunno that phrase “You wear the clothes, don’t let the clothes wear you”?
I feel like hats wear me.
And all day long I am 200% aware that I have a large accessory on my head, blocking my peripheral vision and yelling “LOOK AT ME! I’M WEARING A HAT!”
I know I know, I just need to get over that.
Of course I have the token straw fedora and it comes out to play at the beach and at festivals. And I borrowed my friend’s awesome hat in this photo. Baby steps friends.
Do you rock the wide-brimmed hat? Do you feel like everyone’s looking at your wide-brimmed hat?
Do you just not care?
If so, I dig your moxie.
xo C
source: stockholmstreetstyle, zara, becauseimaddicted, easyfashion


1 Oct

diy files twig bracelets bangles arm party

diy files twig bracelets bangles arm party 1. 2. 3. 4.

diy files twig bracelets bangles arm party supplies

diy files twig bracelets bangles arm party silver

diy files twig bracelets bangles arm party pair and a spare

I need these in gold and silver, maybe even rose gold if they have it in a spray can! Another brilliant DIY by A Pair and a Spare. These could definitely add a great organic feel to any arm party. Now I just need to find a few twigs bendy enough to pull this off. 

Oh yea, and have you seen my latest post on coco+kelley?