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19 Sep

rodarte spring 2012 VAN GOGH rodarte spring 2012 rodarte spring 2012 CUT OUT rodarte spring 2012 STARRY NIGHT VAN GOGH rodarte spring 2012 STARRY NIGHT VAN GOGH

Van Gogh. 

The dreaminess of Starry Night worked into the dark, romantic silhouettes of Rodarte. I’m just confused as to why this didn’t happen before now!? Along with Van Gogh’s sunflowers artfully erupting all over sundresses and full retro skirts. It’s a match made in starry heaven. The construction is exquisite in that Mulleavy sister way, like those cutouts in the front. I’m so in love with how the swirly girly prettiness is juxtaposed against the dark panda eyes of the models. Rodarte, you beauty!

xo C