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9 Feb

Hey friends. I’m taking a break from empty apartment photos and organizing madness (or madness organizing) to share something much more relaxing! Here are some snaps I took from my recent trip to Hawaii. It was my first time, to be honest Hawaii was never high on my list of places to see, if I’m going to travel I might as well go to another country entirely…
This collection of photos is just a glimpse into the adventure we had. Volcanos, turtles, waterfalls, rainforests, black sand beaches, and mountains above the clouds. We also grew quite fond of “shave ice” the size of our heads, with flavor combinations like coconut, mango and passionfruit. Not only did Hawaii feel like another country, it felt like another world. 

The more engrossed with photographing and documenting life I get, the more difficult it is to find a balance between capturing the moment and living the moment. It’s a daily tug of war what with instagram and facebook and of course the blog. I can’t say that I’ve solved the equation yet, but having a phone at hand to quickly snap, filter and post photos does eliminate a few steps from the ‘documenting’ process. I obviously haven’t managed to completely unplug on vacation yet, but my new HTC OneX+ helps keep my face-in-phone moments quick and seamless.

If any of you have tips for capturing the moment vs. living it, it’s something I ponder daily and I’d love to hear your thoughts. 

xoxo Cristina

PHOTOS: personal



28 Jun


This time 5 years ago I was ending a trip that irreversibly changed my life. I spent 5 months in Italy (Florence) and oh what I’d give for a quick trip to revisit all of the spots and taste all of the foods one more time! Italy was like that domino that tipped, setting off a chain of reactions that lead me to where I am today, and what a ride it’s been! I tend to keep my personal life quite separate to the blog, but the blog has been a part of my life for so long now that I can feel the lines starting to blur. So perhaps dear reader I’ll tell you my story one day very soon. Until then, let’s all take a quick daydreamy trip to Florence!

I think I’ll have a scoop of the frutti di bosco gelato, and you?
xoxo Cristina



11 Jan
Rose, lemon, violet, and buttercream macarons from bisous ciao– thank you to the lovely french man for the recommendations!
They’re just stickers, possible DIY File -I’m thinking stickers on a white bicycle!
Couldn’t help it
Momofuku Milk Bar
I tried just about everything they bake: cookies (compost, cornflake marshmallow, blueberry cream) cake truffles, & oh, their crack pie!
How lucky that Christmas lights were still up for my enjoyment!


Here are those instagrams I promised. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you may have already seen these coming 😉
Dreamy, isn’t it? Oh gosh starting to do a little New York life fantasizing, it can’t be helped.
xoxo Cristina!



30 Jan
1. Still not sure what this was
2. Coolest teapot I’ve ever seen

It snowed on our last day!!
1. My new Shanghainese friend, Bob
2. Armani

One of my favorite shots of the trip

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Mine turned out to be rather drama-filled. Looking forward to returning to some normalcy and routine at work tomorrow!


26 Jan

I’m baaack!  Shanghai was a-mahhh-zzing.  I can’t get over what an awesome trip it was, and now that I’m back I’ve spent the last couple of days pouring over the 2000 photos I took to create a photo album while it’s still fresh in my mind. (Top travel tip: choose, cull & edit the best photos of a trip asap, you’ll never want to go through all 2000 and it’s all just too overwhelming later)
ALSO, turns out I’m blocked in China! Well, FujiFiles is, and all of your blogs too!
Blows my mind really the government censorship. They don’t have facebook either, can you imagine? I made good friends with a local Shanghainese who’s my age and I asked him how he felt about missing out on facebook and other parts of the internet, but he said he didn’t mind and that the government is slowly letting them have more. I guess they don’t know what they’re missing. I’m so grateful to live in a country that allows me to blog and say whatever I want and keep in contact with followers and friends from all over the world, so it’s good to be back!

Anyway, I’ve picked a few favs to show you guys for now, and I’ll be working on some more in depth posts of the more interesting things I did later this week.
p.s. it’s always a bit intimidating to post personal photos but you guys are all so supportive, I can’t help but to share these!

1. My favorite meal of the trip
2. Me amongst the red lanterns

1. The RIDICULOUSLY good view from my window
2. Shopping

1. Market finds
2. Me by the Yangtze River

1. Breakfast dumpling
2. Me & tea

1. Mao’s Little Red Books
2. Toy Shop

1. The Bund at night
2. Breakfast noodles

1. Chinese acrobats
2. Japanese photobooth

Like I said it’s good to be back, now I have a lot of catching up to do on all of your blogs! 
xoxo Cristina


20 Oct

Take me away, to Saint Tropez. What’s that you say? But Cristina you just got back from a 2 week vacation? Pfff. Watch this video and then we’ll talk.

Things to note: Garance has my dream bag, the French language is impossibly cool, Leigh Lezark is still my hair idol, and my life will not be complete until I play bocce with Karl Lagerfeld

p.s. my latest post is up here on coco+kelley!

bisous 😉


source: garance


27 Jun
Mexico is still on my mind. A bit more of that colorful editorial from No Magazine’s Issue #10. The girls look so lovely, but straw sombreros, ponchos, and luchador masks .. I would look ridic. A testament to the supercool styling. 


22 Jun

Best. Styling. Ever. Luuurve the boots, stockings, the skeleton makeup, the crosses! 

source: knightcat

More Morocco

26 Jan

Morocco – Vogue Paris

24 Jan