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Let’s Discuss:: Tips from the dressing room

26 Jul
All Zara
I used to be a buddy shopper. I used to enjoy require the company of a friend on my shopping excursions. I would seek the input of friends, store clerks, and passers-by if need be. I did not enjoy a trip to the stores unless I had a trusty confidant by my side. But things have changed. I am now… dun dun dun…  a solo shopper.

Nothing thrills me more than an impromptu trip to a vintage shop by myself or an after-work dressing room sesh. There are no outsider opinions to influence your personal taste, no coconspirators saying “get it! get it!” And you can spend as long as you well please picking through the sale section with a fine toothed comb or turning from side to side in front of a mirror, while your poor friend/boyfriend/mom waits impatiently.

That’s not to say that purchase decisions are any easier. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether you’re a small or a medium. Or whether that drapey top is fiercely edgy or swallowing you whole. Sometimes you can’t tell if it’s the just flattering lights and magic slimming mirrors that make you want that dress. Or whether that seam is poorly positioned (ahem, Anne Hathaway, ahem).

For these scenarios, I enlist the help of a second opinion that never lies: a photograph. I snap a photo of myself in the mirror, and somehow all of the wrinkles, underthings, or bulges come to light. The shortcomings of the clothing seem magnified, and the urgency to buy them melts away. Next time you’re facing a dressing room crisis, I suggest you try a mirror selfie with your phone.

Selfie? Eek. I know. Just the thought sends shivers down my spine, but I never said you had to send them to anyone (although that can help, in a pinch) or post them on your blog (like I, somewhat embarrassingly, have done here). Take a selfie, study it with a discerning eye, and then delete it. Honestly, this has saved me many an ill-advised purchase.

For example, although I liked both of these shirts, neither of them made it home with me. (The black skirt and sandals were what I wore to work that day, but they happen to be Zara too). I couldn’t think of an occasion to rock a kimono shirt, and the white jacquard top, though smart in person, looked unflattering in the photo.

What are your dressing room tips?
How do you decide if a piece will come home with you?
xo Cristina

ps I got a haircut


Moving Day

17 Jan
photo: my instagram

Big news: I’m moving! 
Hence the home stalking and the Apartment Therapy hunting. It’s going to be a big move, or small depending how you look at it. Let me explain: I’m going from 1,500 sq feet to a studio of just 420 sq ft. At first the prospect terrified (and slightly depressed) me, but then I started to get excited by the challenge. Now I’m fired up! So I think this year on the blog I am going to document first of all my move (before and after pictures! My favorite!) and my design challenges of living in a studio. You may or may not have noticed but in 2012 I published more of my own photos and content than ever before, and I think that is the direction that I’d like to take with the blog. I hope to give and get ideas from you guys about small apartment living, I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

I moved my first boxes in last night (kitchen and bathroom done) but tonight I begin the clothes and shoes. Along with downsizing my living space, my closet is shrinking to about a quarter of the size (I know you guys can appreciate the difficulty). Challenge Number 1.
Wish me luck!
xoxo Cristina


Happy 2013!

2 Jan

Happy New Year loves! I’ve taken a little time off of the blog to think about what I want 2013 to look like for Fuji Files (and to enjoy the holidays with my family!). I will be back soon with lots of fresh new content. Until then, I leave you with this thought:
The Future is Bright!



Happy Halloween!

31 Oct


Big question of the day: 
What are you going to be for Halloween?
I think I might post pictures of my costume tomorrow, if all goes well.
xoxo Cristina



10 Sep

Sure, there might be girls out there whose underthings match. Their toes are always manicured and their important papers are labelled and filed. Moi? I prefer to mix and match. Besides, life’s more fun that way! These pretty little underthings are sold at Madewell (oh Madewell, how I love surfing your website) and are absolutely perfect for mixing and matching! 




22 Jun


Have any fun plans for the weekend?!

I plan to do some baking with a friend, baking involving lemons! The options include lemon meringue tarts, whole lemon muffins or lemon-champagne bars with strawberry brulee topping…….
I’m so excited you have no idea. P.s. my friend’s a pastry chef. Jealous? I’ll try to photograph my food endeavors, if you haven’t seen them here are my last food posts:

                                1. STRAWBERRY PIE – Super easy, great for summer, and the perfect crust! 
                                2. BACON EGG & CHEDDAR SCONES – Did you see the video?  I dance. 
                                3. BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES – EVERYone should try these!

Have a great Friday lovelies!
xo Cristina





8 Apr

xo Cristina (& Fifi)



27 Feb

Seeing as her album is playing on repeat at my place, orchids are my favorite flower, and Prada was a favorite last season, it was only fitting that I post this editorial. Top of my shopping list? Fake eyelashes. And I really must figure out how to create waves in my hair like this, off to Youtube to find out!

xo C



14 Feb

You all leave me sweet comments every day on here so it’s only fitting that I send a little love note your way on this lover’s day. 

Hope you have a beautiful day my sweets!
xoxoxo Cristina



31 Jan
What’s that jacket?
My mouth is watering at this memory


The C.Wonder store! Branding done right
S’Mac – Brie, roasted fig, shiitake mushrooms, and rosemary mac & cheese. YUM

I’m BACK! From an unanticipated blog-cation. I was without internet for a week (more on that later) and the longer I was away the more daunting the task of returning to regular posts became. Has that ever  happened to you? Anyway, I’m back now and feeling reinvigorated so I decided to do a Part 2 of my NYC Snaps. I must confess most of my pictures were food-related.. but here are just a few foodie pics plus some shopping snaps too. I have ALSO resolved to take at least one outfit photo this week, and hopefully making this promise publicly will hold me to it. Do you all have any tips for making outfit photos happen on a regular basis? It’s something I’d like to get better at in the New Year, so stay tuned!

xoxoxo Cristina
