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14 Nov
Pink Orchid

Baby’s Breath

Green Rose

 Hey loves. For those of you who have requested images of the flower crowns I have available, here are the three of them! I’ve just sold a Pink Orchid crown (at the top) and I have one more ready to go in that style. As always, if you’re interested just send me an email at!

To see these crowns in action click here.
And if you’d like to see how to make your own, watch this video!

xoxo Cristina




31 Oct
Now there’s nothing dark, spooky, or Halloween-y about this, but I’m far too excited about it not to post it! 
FUJI FLOWERS is officially open for business. 
For those of you who are interested in purchasing a flower crown (or two!) I’m now taking orders. Can you tell how psyched I am in this photo? Pretty psyched. 
They are $25 each and you can pay through PayPal. 
Email to make your order!


xoxo Cristina

ACL 2012 – What We Wore

22 Oct


Happy Monday y’all! Here are a few of my snaps from Days 2 and 3 of Austin City Limits 2012! Somehow, inexplicably, this was my first time to attend ACL Music Fest. To be honest, something about music festivals has always put me off. The thought of lining up for an hour to use a portapotty, or (in some cases) an inability to bathe, or (in many cases) getting wet and muddy. I’m not a girly girl, but I’ve always been intimidated by committing to these seemingly medieval conditions. Well friends, I went into my first ACL hopeful, and I came out the other side with muddy boots and a big smile on my face. Oh yea, and a flower crown on my head!
For the grande finale on Day 3 Nancy and I decided to wear my diy flower crowns, and not to toot my own horn but.. these babies were popular! I initially made my first flower crown for a little photo shoot with CamilleStyles thinking it would be a one-time use sorta thing, but ever since then my friends have been borrowing them, instagramming them, and generally going gaga for them. It has awakened the entrepreneurial spirit in me. They’re the absolute perfect accessory for a festival, Halloween, or just because. I’ve also found they make great gifts 😉 
So starting today if you’d like your very own Fuji Flowers crown 
send me an email at 

They’re $25 each, and if you have any color requests do let me know!
xoxo Cristina


DIY FLOWER CROWN {Lana Del Rey-inspired}

16 Jul
Last week I was asked to get creative for a headshot session with the CamilleStyles team. We were encouraged to dress up, bring props, and be creative with our styling… so. much. pressure. Props?? Yikes! I decided to try my hand at a Lana Del Rey-inspired flower crown, and yunno what? I’m WILD about the results! I mean I’m actually shocked by how good this turned out. I got all of the supplies at Hobby Lobby, and it took me about 30 minutes from beginning to end! So you can do it too. If I may say so myself, this thing is gorge. And it’s even sturdy enough to withstand a little dancing 😉

Watch the video for supplies and to see this DIY step-by-step!
xoxo Cristina
