Archive | January, 2013


28 Jan

Moving furniture is a piece of cake, but moving one’s wardrobe? For a blogger… this is kind of a big deal. Luckily my friend De came to my rescue! She had this nifty system of moving clothes and it worked a treat. To be honest I had planned on just carrying as many hangers as would fit into my arms and throwing them into the back of my car leaving a trail of dropped clothing along the way (which is totally how I’ve moved in the past – don’t lie you have too) but De wasn’t having it. Apparently she got this method from Martha Stewart so there may be better instructions for this method somewhere on the internet, but in this case I thought pictures would be better than words.

As you can see, you slip a garbage bag up (from below) over your clothes, about 5 hangers at a time, then tie the bag tightly at the top. I could carry 4 bags at a time and stack them neatly into the back of my car, no dropped clothes and no falling off hangers. When I got my bags to their final destination, hanging in my new closet, all that was left for me to do was untie (or if you’re impatient, rip) the bags to reveal your neatly hanging clothes: organized, hanging, and in tact in their new home. The whole process was astonishingly fast and easy. I mostly tried to untie the knots and re-use the bags, but it’s also quite fun to rip them off in a rather Hulk-like fashion. GENIUS, right?

I don’t know how I’ll ever re-pay De (a bottle of Prosecco might do the trick) but I fully plan to pay this kindness forward to my next friend making a move.
My shoes however, that’s a different story.
xo Cristina



22 Jan
stools from World Market, DIY fridge magnets
DIY ceiling light, DIY bedside tables (both from Ikea)
Homemade dining table, DIY striped wall, dining chairs from Overstock
beloved shoe shelves & closet
gold sea urchins from Jayson Home
painting by Betty Mbitjana, horse head by Bitossi, jewelry tree from Urban Outfitters
West Elm shower curtain, Chanel poster from Shanghai, Gloria Petyarre painting, Howl Interiors console table
DIY bedside tables, West Elm bedspread, Fauna zebra pillow, Walmart headboard, Howl Interiors lamp
So it’s about time I post some photos of my old place (now that I’m leaving, go figure). These photos were all taken at various times throughout the year, at various stages of completion. For example the dining room is no longer that empty looking, and for quite some time those stripes painted on the wall were unfinished, blue tape and all. 
You may notice a few recurring themes, like lots of stripes and diy projects, many of which I actually took photos of but never quite made it onto the blog! Note to self: must get better about that in the new year. Anyway I hope you like these photos, I’m bidding a tearful goodbye to this space which I poured lots of love and many diy hours into. But nonetheless, many new and exciting decor adventures are to come! 
xoxo Cristina



Moving Day

17 Jan
photo: my instagram

Big news: I’m moving! 
Hence the home stalking and the Apartment Therapy hunting. It’s going to be a big move, or small depending how you look at it. Let me explain: I’m going from 1,500 sq feet to a studio of just 420 sq ft. At first the prospect terrified (and slightly depressed) me, but then I started to get excited by the challenge. Now I’m fired up! So I think this year on the blog I am going to document first of all my move (before and after pictures! My favorite!) and my design challenges of living in a studio. You may or may not have noticed but in 2012 I published more of my own photos and content than ever before, and I think that is the direction that I’d like to take with the blog. I hope to give and get ideas from you guys about small apartment living, I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

I moved my first boxes in last night (kitchen and bathroom done) but tonight I begin the clothes and shoes. Along with downsizing my living space, my closet is shrinking to about a quarter of the size (I know you guys can appreciate the difficulty). Challenge Number 1.
Wish me luck!
xoxo Cristina


OWN IT 2013

8 Jan

No one ever tells you this… but your early 20’s are hard. You’re faced with so many big decisions with relatively little experience to base them on – pick a major, choose a career, find a job, choose your friends, pick a place, find your passion. 2012 held a lot of these big decisions for me. I moved, pursued my passion full time, bought a house, ended a relationship – it was a tough year. Tough and wonderful. To be perfectly honest my major decision making has often been fraught with doubt and indecision. Even my not-so-major decision making has been known to be harrowing (like, should I get bangs?). And with good reason! No one wants to make the wrong choice, nobody likes regret. But I’ll let you in on a little secret, making wrong choices can feel quite liberating! And how else are you gonna grow? Choices, years, growing… you probably know where I’m going with this.

Along with fireworks this time of year brings inevitable thoughts of reflection and renewed resolve. Resolve to exercise more, eat less, save more, spend less… but that doesn’t sound like any fun. This year I’m skipping the punishing resolutions. This year I’m backing myself in, with a little resolution I like to call Own It 2013.

Like weird shoes? Own it. Scandinavian design addict? Own it. Can’t finish a DIY to save your life? Whatever. Own it.

These two little words, just 5 little letters, are more empowering to me than any number of Pinspirational quotes and sage words. And what’s more? I thought of them myself. I believe that no matter what decisions you make this year, you can’t go wrong with this as your anthem.

With a bit of confidence, optimism, and a little self-fulfilling prophecy, 2013 is bound to be a bright year. So this year on Fuji Files is going to be like every year on Fuji Files – discovering personal style, celebrating it, but now more than ever: Owning it.

It’s gonna be a fun year.
xo Cristina



Happy 2013!

2 Jan

Happy New Year loves! I’ve taken a little time off of the blog to think about what I want 2013 to look like for Fuji Files (and to enjoy the holidays with my family!). I will be back soon with lots of fresh new content. Until then, I leave you with this thought:
The Future is Bright!

