Wool Moto Jacket

13 May

How rad is Natasha Poly? All I want is merely one ounce of her coolness.. in the form of a black fur-collared jacket. And I’ve found just the one! (See below)
Cons: I simply can’t justify buying it when I already have a closet full of jackets and another in the mail on its way to me. And I don’t even live in a cold place. 
Pros: But I *love* it! It’s wool (not leather) which I don’t already have.
Verdict: Undecided

2 Responses to “Wool Moto Jacket”

  1. Tonia w/ Chic Modern Vintage May 13, 2010 at 1:56 am #

    oooooOOOOOOOoo. These are beautiful.

  2. Anonymous May 13, 2010 at 7:41 am #

    you know what I love about ur blog its like a 17 yr old wistfully geeking out for the 1st time over fashion mags, you can freely admit that that shit is cool not I already have this and therefore am cool. bc honestly arent we all still just 17 years olds stroking the glossy pages?

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